Learn and Win with Gamification in Education on an Interactive Platform

The language learning platform adapts to each user’s progress, providing customized exercises and challenges. Gamification features like leaderboards, badges, and progress tracking make learning more engaging and enjoyable. From basic vocabulary to complex scripts like Mandarin and Arabic, the platform makes language learning both fun and effective.

Published: October 13, 2024
# EdTech / LMS
# AI / ML
# Big Data
# Data Science
Tailoring Corporate EdTech with AI-Powered Personalized Learning

Our client in the corporate EdTech sector developed a platform that aggregates business courses for easy access and management. They sought an automated system to categorize courses into areas like marketing, finance, and HR, and to recommend personalized learning paths based on each employee's role and career goals. Read on to learn about our ML solution that transforms course categorization and tailors personalized recommendations.

Published: August 15, 2024
# EdTech / LMS
# Data Science
# Big Data
# AI / ML
Breaking Language Barriers Through ASR Implementation with TensorFlow

We used an ASR technology for a language learning app to provide accurate pronunciation training in over a hundred languages. It handles diverse accents and noisy environments effortlessly, offering personalized feedback to help learners quickly achieve fluency and improve their communication skills globally.

Published: July 19, 2024
# EdTech / LMS
# Speech Processing
From Dublin to Frankfurt: EdTech Provider's AWS Migration into Compliance for Profit

Explore how an EdTech company boosted its profitability and expanded its market by moving its AWS infrastructure from Ireland to Germany. This shift complied with strict German data protection laws and improved system performance while cutting operational costs, creating new opportunities in Europe.

Published: May 21, 2024
# EdTech / LMS
# AI / ML
# DevOps
Automated video cutting

In the recent decade, as people have moved away from desktops to mobile devices, their consumption patterns have undergone significant transformation. One of such changes is the boost of video consumption from smartphones, which prompted mobile video advertising. Today, by creating a video tailored for mobile devices and the behavior of mobile users, advertisers can now achieve successful performance. At the same time, though growing in popularity, videos become shorter: in 2016, the average video length was 13.14 minutes, in 2017 6.07 minutes, and in 2018 it shrank to 4.07 minutes. So how is it possible to cut videos maintaining the content significance, and adjusting it to the viewer’s preferences? The answer seems obvious: you need to make your videos shorter and more content-intensive. But the reality is not that straightforward: each platform requires its format, length, and size, so you end up creating tons of video materials.

Published: August 17, 2023
# Marketing
# Computer Vision