All-Seeing EyeAI: a new era of space optimization and queue management

EyeAI 👁️ is a SciForce product, transforming your existing cameras into a smart system for optimizing space and managing queues. Get real-time insights into visitor behavior for better space use and personalized service in retail, healthcare, HoReCa, and public safety—no new hardware needed.

Published: February 8, 2024
# Retail / E-commerce
# Computer Vision
Building a trade prediction model for a trader bot

Nowadays we see the importance of new digital tech in changing how the world trades. These modern tools are giving traders a big leg up, helping them deal with and succeed in a world that's getting more complicated to do business in. Our client requested us to create an actionable AI-backed tool that would analyze traders’ behavior on the market with high operational efficiency and prediction accuracy. Read on to discover more about the project.

Published: November 10, 2023
# Retail / E-commerce
# AI / ML
# Data Science
Automated video cutting

In the recent decade, as people have moved away from desktops to mobile devices, their consumption patterns have undergone significant transformation. One of such changes is the boost of video consumption from smartphones, which prompted mobile video advertising. Today, by creating a video tailored for mobile devices and the behavior of mobile users, advertisers can now achieve successful performance. At the same time, though growing in popularity, videos become shorter: in 2016, the average video length was 13.14 minutes, in 2017 6.07 minutes, and in 2018 it shrank to 4.07 minutes. So how is it possible to cut videos maintaining the content significance, and adjusting it to the viewer’s preferences? The answer seems obvious: you need to make your videos shorter and more content-intensive. But the reality is not that straightforward: each platform requires its format, length, and size, so you end up creating tons of video materials.

Published: August 17, 2023
# Marketing
# Computer Vision