
TOP-10 AI News of January by a CTO of Sciforce — Max Ved

TOP-10 AI News of January

Last month, at Sciforce, we started a new section in the blog – “Top AI news of the month,” and showed you Top-5 NLP news of December, where our CTO – Max Ved, has selected the most interesting news in the NLP sector and gave his opinion on them. And today, we are excited to present 10 great news of January in the AI field! Look what we have prepared for you:

1) Boston Dynamics released the videodemo of Atlas– a humanoid robot. The robot can run, jump, grab and throw different objects. Atlas has a claw-like gripper designed for heavy lifting tasks and consists of one fixed finger and one moving finger.

Honestly speaking, there is not much AI in these robots but we are constantly looking for BD’s robots progress and are excited to see new tricks and new applications. We believe that, in many cases, robots can increase efficiency and quality of work, become great assistants for humans, and simplify our lives.

2) GitHub Code Brushes uses ML to update code ‘like painting with Photoshop: Recently, GitHub Next announced a Code Brushes project which uses machine learning to improve code "like painting with Photoshop." With this tool, developers can "brush" over their code to see it update in real-time. For example, there are different brushes that can help you reach different effects: making the code more readable, debugging code, improving compatibility, etc.

Here you can see the examples of before and after using debugging brush:

Before: jan_news_1_5cdaa7f5af.png

After: Jan_News_2_3839aa486b.png

3) Nick Cave has written a review on the song, written by ChatGPT in his style. Singer said that "It could perhaps in time create a song that is, on the surface, indistinguishable from an original, but it will always be a replication, a kind of burlesque." Our CTO, Max Ved jokes that the goal of AI is not to replace good artists but rather eliminate bad ones!

Actually, we all need to understand that the model can be imperfect right now, and there can be some inaccurate results in tasks that are more complex. But, we are absolutely sure that such a technology is a breakthrough in the neural network field.

4) Technavio has released the forecast and analysis for 2023-2027 about Artificial Intelligence based Personalization Market by Application, Technology, and Geography. The study reveals key drivers, trends, challenges, customer landscape, segment overview, and many other information related to AI. Our CTO states that usually, it is quite hard to accurately predict many things, but, in the case of AI market growth, trends, etc., this technology can be even underrated in the surveys.

5) The scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory state that AI discovered three new nanostructures. This vivid example once again proves that AI can be widely used not only to fulfill the basic needs of humanity and perform simple tasks but is also undoubtedly useful for science.

6) AI can create short-form videos for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, given just a single word about the video topic! How does it work? Based on the request of the user, the app QuickVid chooses a background video from a library, writes a script and keywords, then, the app overlays images generated by DALL-E 2 and adds background music from YouTube's royalty-free music library and synthetic voiceover. QuickVid's creator, Daniel Habib, says that he's building the service to help creators meet the "ever-growing" demand from their fans. Well, we think that such a tool can be a great assistant for content creators. But, for now, the samples of the content we see have very similar formats. Moreover, it is quite interesting how such content will comply with copyright legislation.

7) In Hong Kong, fashion designers have demonstrated new collections influenced by new AI assistant, AiDA, short for "AI-based Interactive Design Assistant." At the fashion show, more than 80 outfits were presented by 14 designers. CEO of AiDLab, Calvin Wong, states that the software was created to serve as a "supporting tool" for designers. Max Ved thinks that using AI in fashion can revolutionize the whole industry and become a helpful tool for designers that can save valuable time and resources.

8) China’s deepfake laws came into force on January 10. The key provisions of using this technology are the following: the real identity of users should be identified, deepfake cannot be used for dissemination of fake news, there is needed the consent of a person whose picture is used, the content must have a notification to inform users that the image or video has been altered with technology. We believe that such legislation will be a great mechanism to prevent arbitrariness.

9) Artificial intelligence can help prevent illegal construction. For this project, drones were used that fly through the city and take photographs of buildings. Then, the data can be sent to a computing platform that determines what class of facade a particular building belongs to.

10) DLR launches innovative robot control software. The company claims that they eliminate the need for programming robots through AI that combines deep learning, computer vision, and motion control algorithms to perceive the environment as a 3-D map in real time. Basically, their software allows users to teach robots tasks by demonstrating to the robot the job to do. It is the most simple and intuitive way possible! We all know how hard it can be to teach the robot to perform the tasks. But, this method allows for simplifying this process so that everyone can work with robots.

Check out our December news!