SciFroce Data Science

Data Science

Make your decisions easy and quick, with no risks and maximum gain

Our team of data scientists and software engineers with vast expertise in data analytics and predictive modeling, and a strong track record in end-to-end development of enterprise-grade solutions.

At SciForce we have successfully implemented solutions in Digital Health, Edtech, Agriculture, E-commerce and other industries.

We offer a wide range of services: from consulting and data science as a service (DSaaS) to solution development and technical support that fit any stage of a data science cycle. From fast data analysis and quick-insight creation to development and long-time support of data and model pipelines- rock your business productivity and agility with us.

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What we do

Our main use cases

Data Science
With predictive analytics tools, you can reduce time, effort, and, most importantly, costs in foreseeing business outcomes. This allows you to boost your business performance and operational efficiency.