
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We value your privacy, and we are always staying transparent about what information we collect and how we store, process, and share it. This policy covers the following aspects:

Key Principles
Sources to Collect Personal Information
What Information We Collect
Cookies Policy
Purposes of collecting and processing
Sharing Information We Collect
Storage and Protection
Your Rights
Privacy Policy Changes

Key Principles

Transparency, fairness, and accuracy matter to us, and we collect and process your data lawfully. By stating this, we mean:

  • Transparency — we explain what information we collect and how we process it
  • Fairness — the way we do it as described in this policy
  • Accuracy — information we process is accurate and updated

The collection of information, its scope, and time are defined by the purposes we describe in the corresponding section. However:

  • We never sell your data
  • We do not collect and process sensitive and child data
  • We guarantee the confidentiality and security of your data
  • We never share your data until we receive specific permission from you

How We Collect Personal Information

We collect information using these channels:

  • Website
  • Email and other text correspondence between us
  • Public sources (including social media)
  • Clients whom we provide services (according to data processing agreement)

What Information We Collect

We dwell on the types of information we collect, using it only as explained below:

  • Personal information
    This relates to the information you provide when filling in a form on our website, so it may include your name, organization, phone number, CV, email address, and other information you provide. It does not include anonymized info like those we collect by applying Google Analytics. Usually, anonymized information lets us understand the time of visit, and approximate location, but it doesn’t allow us to know your identity.
  • Sensitive/Child information
    We are not collecting any sensitive or child data. By sensitive data, we mean information that needs your explicit consent. These categories of sensitive data may include identifying numbers, political views, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, race or ethnicity, physical and/or mental health, sexual life, genetic or biometric data, or criminal record, as personal data categories recognized by privacy laws in the EU and elsewhere. We mean any data related to the data subject aged less than 16 years old by child data.
  • Third-party data
    We are not processing and storing passwords you use when accessing Third Party Services. When you allow us to connect to some Third-Party service, e.g., social media accounts, permit us to access and store your email address, profile photo, URL, current location, and other information that Third Party Service provides us access to.
  • Analytics and Usage data
    We collect analytics data to improve our services by applying Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics. Learn more about their policies. Usage information we collect and process imply pages viewed, your IP address, your devices identifiers, date of your visits and time spent on the website, browser types, referral sources, and other data related to traffic. This data is processed as anonymous and non-identifying.
  • Location data
    Notice that your devices might share your location information (depending on settings). So we can use your location information for location-specific purposes to improve our services.

Cookies Policy

Cookies are the small files on your devices placed by a website containing information about your browsing history on that website. Cookies make navigating a website more accessible by using your preferences while browsing a website. Cookies do not obtain any data from your device and do not collect your email address. Notice that there are four types of cookies:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies
    These cookies are critical for the website, as it’s not possible to use some of the features without them.
  • Performance Cookies
    These cookies are collecting anonymous data on how you are using a website, improving the work of the website.
  • Functional Cookies
    These cookies are used to customize websites for you by remembering your preferences.
  • Targeting (Advertising) Cookies
    These cookies are necessary to provide you with relevant advertisements, considering your browsing experience.

Also, these categories could be divided into:

  • Session cookies
    These cookies are temporary, as they expire when you close the session. They allow websites to link user actions during a browsing session.
  • Persistent cookies
    These cookies can be saved after your session ends, allowing your website to keep track of your actions and preferences. They are saved on your device for a period specified in the cookies.

Purposes of collecting and processing

Testimonials/Service Provision
We can use data collected for service provision or testimonials. This information is provided under service agreements.

Information we collect helps us analyze our audience using tools like Google Analytics.

Data collected helps us for:

  • marketing efforts personalization
  • nurture communication with our clients
  • tailoring advertisements to clients’ needs
  • improving the content published
  • internal needs like our service improvement, communication, data analytics, etc.

Sharing Information We Collect

  • Non-identifying information
    We may collect and share aggregated and anonymous information that does not identify anyone without restriction. We use it for commercial purposes and the improvement of our service research.
  • Identifying information
    We share this information with our employees, consultants, subsidiaries, and consultants for collection and billing purposes. This information is treated with the highest security and confidentiality standards. It also agreed on the stage of Service Agreement signing.
  • Information for legal purposes
    This kind of information includes responding to any regulatory or government request to comply with legal process, law, or court order.
  • Identifying information and third parties
    It can happen only when we have your consent to do so. We are not sharing your personal information for third parties marketing purposes.

Storage and Protection

We keep collected data in our CRM database (data on clients that we have been working with already or ones we are planning to start a cooperation with). Our CRM system is GDPR-compliant.

We use the SSL (HTTPS) data encryption standard for our website. Persons with special access rights have access to the information we collect, keeping it highly confidential and in compliance with public laws and agreements, our internal policies, and this Privacy Policy.

Your Rights

The right to access
We will provide you with the data related to you that we are processing as requested.

The right to information
We provide:

  • Details on parties that process your data.
  • The purposes and terms of processing.
  • Security and storage measures.

The right to rectification
We will update your info as requested.

The right to rectification
We will update your info as requested.

The right to be forgotten
Your data can be deleted from our databases, as requested.

The right to restrict processing
We will stop processing your data as you requested in these cases:

  • your data is not accurate
  • the processing is not lawful
  • referring to your right to object
  • there is no need for the purpose of processing

The right to notification
If you use your data in activities that are not described in this policy, we will contact you for your consent.

The right to data portability
As per request, you can have your copy of the data that we process in usable electronic format.

The right to object
In case you object to the particular type of processing, you can send us your request to: sales@sciforce.solutions

The current version is dated 16.05.2022

Privacy Policy Changes

This policy can go through the changes that we might adopt, so we will keep it updated.

Getting in Touch with Us

R&D Centers: Kharkiv, Lviv, Ukraine