SciForce Healthcare

Digital Healthcare

Dive deep into health data to get evidence-based decisions and develop your end-to-end solutions with us

Our dynamic team is composed of accomplished medical doctors with a strong foundation in data engineering, and top-notch AI/ML researchers. Our journey began in the OHDSI community, where we have played a crucial role in the development of ontologies that now drive advancements in healthcare analytics and solutions.

Our core competencies lie in the intersection between technology and healthcare. Our services portfolio includes projects in healthcare data transformation and analysis, development of AI-powered mobile healthcare applications and cloud-based medical solutions.

We prove that advances in AI, big data and machine learning can provide new healthcare opportunities.

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Our main use cases

Data integration brings together data from different sources like electronic health records (EHRs) and medical devices to create a complete view of patient information. We can analyze, clean and harmonize your healthcare data as well as align it with standard medical data models such as OMOP CDM.