
Legal Contract Automation: From Manual Methods to Automated Processing

Transform your legal document management with our advanced AI system. Built to streamline contract analysis, this solution cuts down on manual work and boosts accuracy, making the process of handling legal contracts more efficient and precise.

Our client is a law firm from Sweden dealing with a large number of complex agreements every day. Their main tasks involve reviewing detailed contracts related to partnership agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and service contracts, all requiring careful attention to maintain their high standards of service and client trust.

Overwhelming with documents of diverse format and content is a common challenge in the entire legal industry. Our client aimed to remove this bottleneck, reducing time spent on manual review, and improving data extraction accuracy. Another objective was to improve overall operational efficiency and data security in handling legal agreements.

Their document management process was entirely manual, involving multiple steps without effective data extraction or analytics tools. As a result, their system was imprecise and inefficient in both time and cost. Below is a depiction of the company's agreement analysis process:


Human analysts managed most stages smoothly, but the system failed to deliver results at the fact analysis stage due to several issues:

  • Failure to pick relevant agreements and pinpoint specific clauses within agreements for detailed fact extraction
  • Weak classification ability, failing to accurately identify and categorize different parts of the agreements
  • Challenges in working with HTTP REST/JSON API implementations

Our discovery phase showed that identifying clauses and facts in agreements was a major challenge with the current document management system. Clearly, AI tools were a perfect solution for the company's issues with document classification and processing. It was intended to use NLP to detect named entities, analyze semantics, and understand text relationships. Here is why it didn’t work:

  • Language Barrier: The majority of the documents were in Swedish, a language not adequately supported by existing NLP tools.
  • Resource Demand: NLP implementation would require creating a comprehensive Swedish text database and hiring a human language expert, significantly increasing costs and complexity.
  • Workaround Option: It was possible to translate into English for NLP analysis but it looked like a duct-tape rather than a solution.

We ended up training an ML model to recognize and classify various facts and clauses within the documents. Potentially, it would need a great number of documents in a training dataset, however the combination of the Gaussian Model and TF-IDF & PCA showed decent accuracy on a small dataset of 50 docs. It was also possible to add a new solution, a rule type, a new clause subtype, or even a new language, without making code changes.


We make it easy to handle, analyze, and store legal documents. Here is the list of improvements our system brought:

Smart Document Sorting: Automatically identifies texts and sorts documents into specific categories based on set patterns. This maintains accurate document flow without needing much human intervention and allows lawyers to focus on high-value client work, rather than tedious paper one.

Turning Data into Insights: It pulls valuable information from unstructured text, such as expiration dates or liability terms, allowing for better management of contract obligation and avoiding potential legal pitfalls.

Handling Large Data Volumes: The system is capable of processing large doc volumes at a time, ensuring accuracy and reliability of operations. This allows the firm to handle increased workloads without errors or delays in client projects.

Forecasting Document Flow: With understanding of upcoming needs, the law firms can ensure better compliance with deadlines and prepare in advance for audits, reviews, and reporting periods.

Robust Document Security: With manual processing, there is always a risk that some important paper will get lost or go to the wrong folder. Autonation minimizes it, ensuring strict order, protection from unauthorized access, and regulatory compliance.

Flexible Model Adjustment: It is easy to adjust the model to everyday needs by adding new solutions and rules, without the need to make code changes. This allows the firm to be flexible and to adjust their document flow based on workload, deadlines, and reporting periods.

Development Process

Roadmap Optimization

Document Receipt and Storage: Initially, any received external document is stored in a document repository.

- Document Annotation Process:

  • Property Retrieval: The system first extracts general properties of the document.
  • Clause Detection: It then identifies specific clauses within the document.
  • Entity Analysis and Relationship Establishment: The system analyzes the identified clauses, focusing on the entities within them and how these entities are related to each other.

Data Preparation for ML Training:

  • Data Transfer: After processing, the relevant extracted data is transferred to a corpus store, which is a database used to store data that will be used to train the ML models.
  • Corpus Store Management: The corpus store is periodically cleared of old data to make way for new data, ensuring that the ML models are trained on the most recent and relevant information.

Finally, the prepared data is deployed to the system where the actual ML model training takes place.


Text Analysis: Language & Law Detection

The initial step in analyzing documents is to figure out the relevant law and the language used. While this might seem straightforward to a person, machines need the help of machine learning (ML) algorithms to accurately identify the language.

We decided to use an ML model to find key sentences, then look for topological entities or language names within them. To prevent the model from overfitting to a particular term or location, we automatically switched between a random language or country during the training. It forced the model to recognize the important legal and language details based on the context of the words, rather than just spotting the names of languages or countries.

Clause Classification

The next step in our process is to sort the document and its different clauses. Although agreements usually have a standard format, the real arrangement, titles, and details of these sections often change a lot. This makes it hard to quickly sort the texts of agreements. To solve this, we created a strong system for sorting based on the Gaussian Model that can handle this variety of clauses.

It uses math to figure out which category a section likely belongs to, based on its characteristics. It makes our system better at placing sections into the right categories, even when they don't follow the usual patterns.

Fact Detection

Our agreement analysis process automates extracting crucial information from legal texts, aimed at reducing manual work for legal professionals. It is based on two main stages:

  • Document Pre-Processing: Initially, we examine the document to highlight key features such as legal terms and clause structures, preparing it for in-depth analysis.
  • Clause Identification and Fact Extraction: Using a specialized model, we then identify specific legal clauses and extract important facts from them, such as parties involved and their contract obligations.

This method ensures efficient and accurate document analysis, freeing up legal experts to focus on more complex tasks. Initially trained on a dataset of 50 documents, the system has a potential to process large amounts of documents and learn to understand new types of agreements.


Tech Stack

We tested various machine learning models, including classification tree ensembles for accurate classification and information extraction from legal documents. We also used Gaussian Processes to predict the characteristics of different entity types in legal texts.

Feature Selection and Optimization

  • We used TF-IDF feature vectors for initial analysis, enhancing them with dimensionality reduction to focus on the most relevant words from our training data.
  • To address the challenge of recognizing the same concept expressed differently, we incorporated Word2Vec embeddings. This method helps the system understand different phrasings of the same idea, ensuring stability across varied expressions.
  • During training, our system automatically chooses the most suitable feature type (Word2Vec or TF-IDF+PCA) and model based on the data, mirroring our flexible approach to model selection.

Arbitration and Court Detection

Our system identifies arbitration and court references in contracts by analyzing sentences, based on the idea that each sentence usually discusses one arbitration-court pairing. We assumed that a single sentence might mention more than one arbitration or court case, so we've developed machine learning models with multiple outputs, using a mix of classification trees. Specifically, we employ a combination of classification trees, with 5 outputs corresponding to 5 court types present in the markup. For every court type the system finds, it assigns a number that matches it with a particular type of arbitration, helping us accurately spot and categorize these legal references and how they're connected.

Dispute Subtype Detection

Unlike other analyses, identifying dispute subtypes required examining entire dispute clauses, not just isolated sentences or paragraphs. This broader context allows us to better apply TF-IDF or Word2Vec features, further informed by the outcomes of a solution-rule classification to accurately determine the type of dispute being discussed.


Our AI-powered system has revolutionized contract analysis for our clients, making the review process faster, enhancing clause detection accuracy, and streamlining document management. Notable improvements include:

  • Enhanced Clause Detection: Our advancements have led to a remarkable over 95% accuracy rate in identifying various types of clauses and their intricate details, such as confidentiality terms, cost sharing arrangements, and complexities involved in multiparty and multi-contract scenarios.
  • Precise Identification of Text Elements: The system's refined capabilities allow for the precise identification of smaller text fragments, including legal terminologies, rules, and geographic details, and adeptly establishes the relationships between these elements, such as associating a legal rule with its corresponding solution.
  • Automated Large-Scale Data Analysis: The introduction of automated processing for vast data sets via HTTP REST/JSON API and a message bus, followed by orderly storage in Docker Images/Containers, has cut down document processing time by half, allowing for rapid scaling of document analysis.

Optimize your legal operations with SciForce's advanced document automation technology. We can develop an automated document processing system tailored to your specific needs, whether you are a law firm or just have lots of agreements with clients or contractors.

Tailored to your specific workflow, our system will free your employees from tedious paperwork and reallocate their time for strategic, high-value tasks.

Ready to transform your contract management and gain a competitive edge? Contact us to discover how SciForce can address your paperwork challenges.

These advancements result in a 50% reduction in the time required for contract processing, minimizing errors and freeing legal professionals to concentrate more on client interactions and less on manual document handling.