How to Scale AI in Your Organization

According to WEKA's 2023 Global Trends in AI Report, 69% of organizations now have AI projects up and running, and 28% are using AI across their whole business. This shows a big move from just trying out AI to making it a key part of how companies operate and succeed. However, this is just the beginning as the major point is not to have only AI but to have it work to your benefit. Organizations have to address various challenges such as the collection of data, hiring the right skills, and fittin

Published: April 4, 2024
# AI / ML
# Computer Vision
Top Computer Vision Opportunities and Challenges for 2024

Computer vision (CV) is a part of artificial intelligence that enables computers to analyze and understand visual information, both images and videos. It goes beyond plain “seeing” an image, but teaches computers to make decisions based on what they see. The AI-driven computer vision market is experiencing rapid growth, rising from $22 billion in 2023 to an expected $50 billion by 2030, with a 21.4% CAGR from 2024 to 2030. This technology imitates human vision but works faster using sophisticate

Published: March 8, 2024
# Computer Vision
# AI / ML
Face Detection Explained: State-of-the-Art Methods and Best Tools

So many of us have used different Facebook applications to see us aging, turned into rock stars, or applied festive make-up. Such waves of facial transformations are usually accompanied by warnings not to share images of your faces — otherwise, they will be processed and misused. But how does AI use faces in reality? Let’s discuss state-of-the-art applications for face detection and recognition. First, detection and recognition are different tasks. _Face detection_ is the crucial part of face re

Published: June 17, 2021
# Computer Vision
# AI / ML
Brain-Computer Interfaces: Your Favorite Guide

At the beginning of April 2021, Neuralink’s new video featuring a monkey playing Pong with his mind hit the headlines. The company’s as-always-bold statements promise to give back the freedom of movement to people with disabilities. We decided to look beyond the hype and define what these brain-computer systems are capable of in reality. Let’s dive right into it. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs)* or *Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) capture a user’s brain activity and translate it into commands f

Published: May 20, 2021
# Computer Vision
# AI / ML
Memorability in Computer Vision

Among many things that define us as humans, there is our ability to remember things such as images in great detail, and sometimes after a single view. What is even more interesting, humans tend to remember and forget the same things, suggesting that there might be some general internal capability to encode and discard the same types of information. What makes certain images more memorable than others? Research suggests that pictures of people, salient actions and events are more memorable than n

Published: March 25, 2020
# Computer Vision
# AI / ML
Machine learning: Changing the Beauty Industry

Several years ago a friend of mine, who was a biologist, was talking about their weird experiments. They were shaving mice and if this was done this in a particular way, the mice remained bald for the rest of their short lives. Their team was dreaming to extrapolate this magic technique to humans and shake the waxing industry. It is unlikely that they have succeeded, but the gist of the story is that even serious science tries to serve beauticians if they get a chance. So, maybe, it is time for

Published: July 9, 2019
# Computer Vision
NLP and Computer Vision Integrated

Integration and interdisciplinarity are the cornerstones of modern science and industry. One of the examples of recent attempts to combine everything is the integration of computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). Both these fields are one of the most actively developing machine learning research areas. Yet, until recently, they have been treated as separate areas without many ways to benefit from each other. It is now, with the expansion of multimedia, researchers have started expl

Published: April 1, 2019
# Computer Vision
Interspeech 2018 Highlights

This year the Sciforce team has traveled as far as India to one of the most important events in the speech processing community, the Interspeech conference. It is a truly scientific conference, where every speech, poster, or demo is accompanied by a paper published in the ISCA journal. As usual, it covered most of the speech-related topics, and even more: automatic speech recognition (ASR) and generation (TTS), voice conversion and denoising, speaker verification and diarization, spoken dialogue

Published: December 4, 2018
# Computer Vision
# Speech Processing
# AI / ML
Interspeech 2017 flashback and 2018 expectations

Interspeech is the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. Interspeech 2017 gathered circa 2000 participants in Stockholm, Sweden and it exceeded expected capacity of the conference. There were lots of great people to to meet and to listen to Hideki Kawahara, Simon King, Jan Chrowski, Tara N. Sainath and many-many others. Papers acceptance rate traditionally was rather high at 51%. ICASSP 2017 had similar number, yet other ML

Published: August 31, 2018
# Computer Vision
# Speech Processing
# AI / ML
SciForce: who we are

SciForce is a Ukraine-based IT company specializing in development of software solutions based on science-driven information technologies. We have wide-ranging expertise in many key AI technologies, including Data Mining, Digital Signal Processing, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Image Processing, and Computer Vision. This focus allows us to offer state-of-the-art solutions in data science-related projects for commerce, banking and finance, healthcare, gaming, media and publishing

Published: January 9, 2018
# Data Science
# Computer Vision
# Speech Processing
# AI / ML
# DevOps