Voice Biometrics Recognition and Opportunities It Gives

Voice biometry is changing the way businesses operate by using distinctive features of a person's voice, like pitch and rhythm, to confirm their identity. This technology, a central part of Voice AI, turns these voice characteristics into digital "voiceprints" that are used for secure authentication. Unlike traditional methods such as fingerprint or facial recognition, voice biometry can be used remotely with just standard microphones, making it both practical and non-intrusive. This technology

Published: May 13, 2024
# AI / ML
# EdTech / LMS
# Speech Processing
AI-Driven LMS: The Future of Education

Imagine a classroom where each lesson seems tailor-made for you, the course curriculum adapts to your pace, the materials are selected according to your interests, and even your questions! Sounds futuristic? With the integration of AI power into traditional learning management systems (LMS), it’s already becoming a reality. With AI, an LMS becomes a full-fledged learning tool, offering exceptional learning experiences that even underachievers would be amazed by. Learn more about smart and incred

Published: November 29, 2023
# EdTech / LMS
# AI / ML
AI Revolution in EdTech: AI in Education Trends and Successful Cases

The usage of Artificial Intelligence in the world of Education Technologies is totally changing the learning approach, offering truly innovative solutions that transform the experience of students and teachers. AI-based solutions are bringing the education industry to a new level by enhancing the learning experience, making it more personalized, interactive, and efficient. Through the last few years, AI has started gaining popularity in many fields, and the EdTech industry is not an exception: a

Published: September 12, 2023
# EdTech / LMS
Generative AI in EdTech: Do's and Don'ts

Last year, when Open AI introduced to the world ChatGPT-3, it absolutely revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and changed the lifestyle of millions of people. This generative AI tool can create a broad answer to almost any question and is considered to be one of the best chatbots that have ever been created. Right now, generative AI is the newest form of artificial intelligence, and it's making a huge impact in every industry, especially in EdTech. However, many companies are pres

Published: August 22, 2023
# EdTech / LMS
Top 10 AR Applications for Teachers

We have already written several posts on the ways in which modern technologies are changing education. We have discussed how IoT can make the classroom a safer and more personalized space and explored new challenges and demands for future specialists. We also talked a bit about gamification, microlearning and AR/VR application as e-learning tools. However, one of the most critical changes we are witnessing in education is that the school is changing its image — and its mission — from a place to

Published: January 23, 2020
# EdTech / LMS
# AI / ML
AI at the Classroom: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

In recent decades we have seen technology changing our world in any sense: what was considered to be Sci-Fi ten years ago is around us now. But when you ask people which sphere remains outdated, you can hear a lot of complaints about the classroom. Despite new whiteboards and projectors, the schoolrooms of today are strikingly similar to those of 50 years ago. Students sit in a room together, listen to the same explanation and complete the same lessons with little variations no matter their lear

Published: December 5, 2019
# EdTech / LMS
A glimpse into the Future of Labor and Education
A Glimpse into the Future of Labor and Education

People have always wanted to know their future — from astrology and Tarot cards to modern futurology have been providing them with more ideas about the future and the changes it will bring to us, our families, and mankind. We can, of course, sit cozily on a sofa and reread old Sci-Fi books and keep fantasizing about the future which will never be true — or we can study the current trends and try to get ready for what is coming and prepare ourselves and, above all, our children to their adult liv

Published: March 27, 2019
# EdTech / LMS
Internet of Things in the World of School

“The world is changed,” said Galadriel in _the Lord of the Rings_. What the elf queen could not foresee is the way the world would change. In her times magic was the only means to communicate and get information across the distance, now almost everyone has a smartphone equipped with sound wave recorders, cameras, acceleration gauges, gyroscopes, magnetometers, Wi-Fi internet and whatever manufacturers find attractive enough. We think that these technologies make our lives more comfortable and ef

Published: February 26, 2019
# EdTech / LMS
# AI / ML
Gamification: Is It the Future of E-Learning

“Here we are now, entertain us,” if we could choose one phrase that would describe the modern learning process, this quote would suit best. Games have been present in education for a long time: role-playing games aimed at preparing students for real-life scenarios have been used in a wide range of fields — from the second language teaching to corporate trainings, and various types of simulators are starting to gradually replace driving lessons. Turning to this strategy in e-learning would have b

Published: April 5, 2018
# EdTech / LMS
# AI / ML
A Quick Guide to E-Learning Tools: Microlearning

In the previous blogpost we started discussing the trendiest e-learning tools with an overview of AR/VR applications. Among others, we mentioned that such applications may be integrated with microlearning techniques to increase the impact on the student. In this post, we will talk more about microlearning: what it is and why it is gaining popularity among educators. Microlearning — as learning in short, digestible, bite-sized units — is a relatively new learning strategy known for quickly closin

Published: March 29, 2018
# EdTech / LMS